- Earn up to 91.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and 30.75 ABIM MOC points
- Gets you ready with a deep QBank of 1200+ practice questions in board format
- Enhances your learning with high-yield online videos presented by board-focused faculty
- Saves time by following the ABIM Medical Oncology board exam topic blueprint
- Fits your busy schedule with anytime, anywhere access
- Includes detailed, illustrated study guide
- Guarantees you′ll pass with the Triple Trust Guarantee
What are the 2024 Medical Oncology Board Pass Rates?
The 2024 ABIM Medical Oncology Pass Rate has not yet been released. We will update this page when the rate becomes available.
The ABIM 2023 Medical Oncology Pass Rate for the Certification exam is 92%.
The ABIM 2023 Medical Oncology Pass Rate for the Maintenance of Certification exam is 90%.
Compare to exam takers who prepared with The Pass Machine:
In 2024, The Pass Machine Medical Oncology Board Review clients achieved a 100% pass rate on the MOC exam!
Why take chances? The Pass Machine Medical Oncology Board Review GUARANTEES you’ll pass!
Nearly 1 in 13 Failed the Oncology CERT
The Medical Oncology Initial Certification Exam is possibly the most challenging of ABIM board exams. Is 2023, 56 out of 702 first-time takers didn’t pass the Oncology Certification exam.
How to Prepare for the ABIM® Exam
Use our EXACT Exam Prep Accelerator and get a personalized study plan with total and weekly study times for each exam topic based on the exam blueprint and your responses.
Pass Guaranteed
The #1 Guarantee in Board Prep for Physicians! The Triple Trust Guarantee from American Physician Institute means zero risk. As you see from our clients’ board results above, investing in a comprehensive review course pays off.
What do I do if I fail the Oncology board exam?
The first thing you should do is just take it easy, sleep on it. Give yourself a few days, a week or two to come to terms with what has happened. Your next exam is six months to a year away. Dr. Jack has more advice in this video, What Do You Do If You Fail Your Medical Board Exam?
Medical Oncology Certification Exam Scoring
Overall performance is reported on a standardized score scale ranging from 200 to 800, with a mean of 500. To pass the Medical Oncology board examination, your standardized score must equal or exceed the standardized passing score. Your performance on the entire exam determines your pass-fail decision.
The passing standard for the Medical Oncology exam is set by ABIM committee using standard-setting techniques that follow best practices in assessment. Because the passing standard is based on a specified level of mastery of Medical Oncology content, no predetermined percentage of examinees will pass or fail the exam.
Medical Oncology Certification Exam Format
The Medical Oncology Certification Exam (CERT) board exam is composed of up to 240 single-best-answer multiple-choice questions. Most questions describe patient scenarios and ask about the tasks performed by physicians in the course of practice. (Note that around 40 of these are new questions that do not count in your score.) Example of a single-best-answer multiple-choice question format:A 70-year-old woman presents with atraumatic ecchymoses around her eyes and mouth. The lesions are waxy and nonpruritic. She is otherwise asymptomatic. Your biopsy reveals positive red deposits with green birefringence under polarized light. Her lab results show abnormal renal function and monoclonal band in urine, a normal platelet count, and 15% plasma cells in her bone marrow. Her skeletal survey is normal. She has increased creatinine. Which one of the following conditions is most likely present in this patient?
◯ A. Acute myeloid leukemia ◯ B. Multiple myeloma with pancytopenia ◯ C. Multiple myeloma with amyloidosis ◯ D. Sarcoidosis ◯ E. Systemic (AA) amyloidosis